Aerospace is committed to inspiring the next generation. Since 2013, we have supported K-12 education by hosting educational programs for teachers and high school students. Free of charge, these events expose participants to the research, state-of-the art facilities, and 21st century skills needed to succeed in the STEM fields and provide real-world examples of problems and solutions.
Upcoming Programs
Engineers Week Special Event
Attention middle and high school teachers! Register now to join us during Engineer’s Week for a special Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day event. This hybrid event features Aerospace employee Ashley Kowalski who will discuss her career, experience with analog missions, and more!
Connect with our STEM Team

Past Events
Audience with Aerospace: The Creation, Flight, and Mission of Small Satellites
Join us for a special Audience with Aerospace featuring members of the Moonlighter team on December 13! Through this presentation your classroom will discover the fascinating world of small satellites, learn about the innovative technologies that enable these compact marvels to soar through space, and understand their many purposes. This Audience with Aerospace can be paired with the teacher lesson plan found here.
• Registration: Teachers should register for their classes and broadcast the lesson to the students.
• Length: 45 minutes
• Audience: Middle school classrooms
Audience with Aerospace: Mission to Mars
Join us on December 9 at 9 a.m. PT for Audience with Aerospace, where classrooms will hear from our mission crew live from a simulated Mars habitat where they are conducting research!
Registration: Teachers should register for their classes and broadcast the lesson to the students
Audience: Elementary, middle, and high school classrooms

STEM Speaker Request