Shaping the Future of Space

Space exploration, development, and security are increasingly important elements of national policy and strategy. Aerospace is providing nonpartisan research and strategic analysis to decisionmakers, and advancing innovative technical solutions that will shape the future of space.
Artist rendering of earth with network node surrounding it


Generic space picture with dotted world globe

The Center for Space Policy and Strategy

Aerospace established the Center for Space Policy and Strategy to address the growing need for expert analysis supporting the development of well-informed, technically defensible, and forward-looking space and technology policy. The Center does not advocate for particular policies, but rather provides objective analysis and data to support key decision makers and an informed public debate.
Picture of path of collision of space debris

Center for Orbital and Reentry Debris Studies

CORDS was established in 1997 to focus the corporation’s research and technology applications in the areas of space debris, collision avoidance, and reentry breakup and to provide a single point-of-contact for organizations seeking to take advantage of Aerospace’s more than 50 years of experience in these and related technical areas.
Global communication network

Recapping 2021 Value of Space Summit: Securing the Value of Space

The Aerospace Corporation and the Space Information Sharing and Analysis Center (Space ISAC) facilitated the event to examine some of the prime concerns among the space environment.

DiskSat: Aerospace is Redefining the Future of Small Satellites

In response to growing interest in capable SmallSats, a team of engineers and scientists are thinking outside the (CubeSat) box with DiskSat, a new circular satellite design.
LEO orbit debris

Spaceflight Safety Takes Center Stage With Aerospace’s New Actors in Space Workshop

Aerospace’s Space Safety Institute collaborated with Secure World Foundation to adapt the Handbook for New Actors in Space into an interactive curriculum.
Digital Futures Map

Strategic Foresight

The Strategic Foresight Team within The Aerospace Corporation's Center for Space Policy and Strategy (CSPS) is dedicated to expanding and advancing the futures mindset for an abundant space enterprise. Through systematic approaches in thinking about possible futures, we help empower decision-makers to shape aspirational futures starting today. The goal of foresight is not to predict the future, but to ensure we have adequately challenged our assumptions and are prepared for a variety of possible outcomes in the face of uncertainty.