Cislunar Space: The Next Giant Leap for Mankind
Cislunar space is the next frontier in space exploration, unlocking a world of new opportunities that can drive the future for scientific advancements and economic growth for humanity. The nation's space enterprise must ensure the interoperability of its own cislunar investments, as other spacefaring nations also seek to lead in cislunar space. To facilitate a better understanding of the opportunities and challenges ahead for cislunar space, Aerospace experts are available for media requests to discuss related topics.
Space Warfighting: Outpacing the Threat
Space is a warfighting domain. Preserving space for future generations is not only matter of promoting safety and sustainability — ensuring security and stability is essential for the nation's space enterprise. To facilitate a better understanding of what space warfighting really means, Aerospace experts are available for media requests to discuss related topics.

Learn More About Aerospace's Colorado Springs
Aerospace's new COS-2 facility in Colorado Springs, Colo. will be the focal point for delivering technical expertise across the space enterprise to outpace threats to national security. The building's digital engineering environment will enable high-fidelity analysis and physics-based modeling and simulation, as well as development of tactics, techniques, and procedures that will provide insight into space warfighting.

SPARTA: Space Attack Research And Tactic Analysis
Aerospace's Space Attack Research and Tactic Analysis (SPARTA) matrix is intended to provide unclassified information to space professionals about how spacecraft may be compromised due to adversarial actions across the attack lifecycle.

Moonlighter Space Cyber Test Platform
Aerospace's Moonlighter is a cyber test platform developed in partnership with Space Systems Command (SSC) and the Air Force Research Laboratory. Scheduled to launch June 1, 2023 from Cape Canaveral on SpX-28, this 3U CubeSat will provide the national security space community with the ability to test and learn where it really counts: real-time in-orbit. Moonlighter will be a part of the upcoming Hack-A-Sat 4, an annual space security challenge.
The Space Safety Institute at The Aerospace Corporation
Aerospace is establishing a Space Safety Institute to deliver independent technical support and assessments to enhance the safety of space and space-related activities for government, commercial, and international customers.
Commercial Space Futures
Through Commercial Space Futures, Aerospace brings its deep technical expertise and independent insight to help the nation solve challenges and outpace threats in the rapidly evolving space environment. Commercial Space Futures is an extension of our existing support to the U.S. space enterprise to maximize U.S. government access to and incorporation of commercial space capabilities and technologies.

In-Space Novel Propulsion Technologies
The marketplace now has multiple companies with advanced technology for nuclear, electric, chemical, and solar propulsion with the potential to dramatically improve Earth-centric space operations and interplanetary exploration in the years and decades to come.
In this issue of State of Play, we survey technologies and the marketplace for insight into near and medium-term developments.
In this issue of State of Play, we survey technologies and the marketplace for insight into near and medium-term developments.