Space Warfighting: Outpacing the Threat
Space is a warfighting domain. Preserving space for future generations is not only matter of promoting safety and sustainability — ensuring security and stability is essential for the nation's space enterprise. To facilitate a better understanding of what space warfighting really means, Aerospace experts are available for media requests to discuss related topics.

The Physics of Space War: How Orbital Dynamics Constrain Space-To-Space Engagements
What might a war in space look like? As the United States and the world discuss the possibility of conflict extending into space, it is important to have a general understanding of what is physically possible and practical.
Commercial Space Futures
Through Commercial Space Futures, Aerospace brings its deep technical expertise and independent insight to help the nation solve challenges and outpace threats in the rapidly evolving space environment. Commercial Space Futures is an extension of our existing support to the U.S. space enterprise to maximize U.S. government access to and incorporation of commercial space capabilities and technologies.
The Space Policy Show: Monitoring Space Norms
Can an international space situational awareness (SSA) data sharing framework for assessing countries’ compliance with norms of behavior build enough support—from enough countries—to influence bad actors’ behavior in space? SSA helps to protect satellites and promote sustainability in space. In this episode, Dr. Mick Gleason, senior policy analyst of The Center for Space Policy and Strategy, will be talking with fellow policy analyst, Robin Dickey on how SSA data sharing is growing in importance for space safety, space sustainability, and military space activities.
To learn more read Dr. Mick Gleason's newly released paper, "No Haven for Misbehavin': A Framework for Verifying Space Norms".
To learn more read Dr. Mick Gleason's newly released paper, "No Haven for Misbehavin': A Framework for Verifying Space Norms".