Cislunar 101

Space exploration is entering a new era of possibilities. To advance the space systems and architecture critical to enabling the capabilities driving the nation's leadership in space, Aerospace supports its government partners to develop the concepts, strategies and technologies needed to reach the Moon, Mars and Beyond.
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Cislunar Space: The Next Giant Leap for Mankind

Cislunar space is the next frontier in space exploration, unlocking a world of new opportunities that can drive the future for scientific advancements and economic growth for humanity. The nation's space enterprise must ensure the interoperability of its own cislunar investments, as other spacefaring nations also seek to lead in cislunar space. To facilitate a better understanding of the opportunities and challenges ahead for cislunar space, Aerospace experts are available for media requests to discuss related topics.
Artemis SLS (NASA KSC)

Artemis I: NASA’s Mission Back to the Moon Takes Flight

The Artemis program aims to return astronauts to the lunar surface by 2025, making way for eventually expanding human space exploration to Mars.

The Space Policy Show: Making the Moon a Reality

What does the lunar and cislunar environment look like over the next 10 years? What scientific experiments are being planned? What new technologies will be tested? What will we learn on the Moon to prepare us for Mars? Where is competition greatest? In this episode of The Space Policy Show, senior policy analyst Dr. Angie Bukley as she talks to Kaitlyn Johnson, Deputy Director and Fellow at the Center for Strategic & International Studies.

The Space Policy Show: Mapping Our Way to Sustainable Cislunar

How is commercial space contributing to development of a cislunar ecosystem? What infrastructure is needed to make cislunar sustainable? What is the workforce needed? After capabilities are developed and deployed, how will we implement? Join Aerospace’s Ron Birk (also President, American Astronautical Society) as he talks to Dr Kathleen Howell (Distinguished Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Purdue University) and Daniel Dumbacher (Executive Director, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)) as they discuss these questions and more.

Be sure to read the CSPS paper: Charting a Course Through Cislunar Master Planning by Chris Guidi, Ron Birk, Tom Rathjen, Torrey Radcliffe.
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In-Space Servicing, Assembly, and Manufacturing for the New Space Economy

A new generation of spacecraft designed specifically for In-space Servicing, Assembly, and Manufacturing (ISAM) is leading this charge towards a new space economy. This Game Changers paper explores recent demonstrations, developments, and investments in ISAM technologies that can pave the path forward.
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Op-Ed: U.S. Leadership of Cislunar Space Hinges on Foresight and Planning

The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) and The Aerospace Corporation invite national space companies to bring their expertise as part of the Cislunar Ecosystem Task Force, which was formed for industry, government, and academic stakeholders across the space community to collaborate and integrate planning for cislunar space. This article, written by Aerospace's Jim Myers, appeared in the March 2023 issue of SpaceNews magazine.

Aerospace's iPNT concept

Aerospace Develops a Low Cost Cislunar Navigation Approach

Aerospace engineers are designing a cislunar position, navigation, and timing (PNT) framework to support many future missions. Unlike GPS, which broadcasts signals from space to Earth, the Inverted-PNT (iPNT) concept broadcasts signals from ground stations to spacecraft flying in cislunar space. This inversion of the traditional architecture provides multiple advantages.

CSPS Paper: Leveraging Digital Engineering for Space Guardians and Space Explorers

This paper by Aerospace's Center for Space Policy and Strategy analyzes the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and the United States Space Force approaches to digital engineering implementation along with an investigation of the possibilities for a more coordinated approach between the two.

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