DRAGON CRS-30 DEB (ID 59630) Reentered

Reentry Prediction
Predicted Reentry Time 13 May 2024 00:23 UTC ± 1 hour
Orbit Epoch
Prediction Ground Track
DRAGON CRS-30 DEB (ID 59630) Reentry Prediction Image

Yellow Icon – location of object at midpoint of reentry window
Blue Line – ground track uncertainty prior to middle of the reentry window (ticks at 5-minute intervals)
Yellow Line – ground track uncertainty after middle of the reentry window (ticks at 5-minute intervals)
Pink Icon (if applicable) – vicinity of eyewitness sighting or recovered debris
Note: Possible reentry locations lie anywhere along the blue and yellow ground track.  Areas not under the line are not exposed to the debris.

Object Description
Reentry Type
Int'l Designation 2024-054B
NORAD Number
Launched 21 March 2024 @ 20:55 UTC
Launch Site
Mission SpaceX CRS-30

NOTICE: The materials about Upcoming Reentries are for informational purposes only and should not be used as a substitute for specific technical advice or opinions related to your particular facts and circumstances.