Space Acquisition Decision Making

Space Acquisition Decision Making

Decision-making in any field is rarely easy and is almost always complicated by the unknown and the ambiguous. Current context can be challenging to uncover, future changes are impossible to predict with perfect accuracy, and the world is too complex to anticipate and understand every variable. However, uncertainty should not be the reason to give up on sound decision-making. This is especially true in the highly technical and high-stakes national security space acquisition field. 

At every step of the acquisition process and at each level of responsibility, critical decisions need to be made. Underlying processes and cultures play a significant role in determining the outcomes. This infographic discusses why it is challenging to make good decisions in the space acquisition process, due to both the built-in processes specific to national security space as well as general patterns of human behavior.

Be sure to read, Six Key Questions to Ask in Space Acquisition Decision Making, on the Getting It Right blog.