WGS Launches Following Challenges
The 10th WGS launch aboard a Delta IV had unexpected challenges. Everything looked relatively smooth through the various prelaunch reviews. But in the days leading up to launch and all through the countdown, numerous issues with ground systems, launch vehicle systems, and range support assets cropped up.

SpaceX Makes History
A SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket carried the first Global Positioning System III satellite to orbit.

Getting It Right Newsletter
The Getting It Right newsletter was established with an intent to widely inspire a culture of mission assurance across the space enterprise. Since then, the national security space climate has changed in response to the evolving threat environment, but the need for industry collaboration to face the nation’s toughest challenges remains the same. Working together to share lessons learned, best practices, and advances in the field as they relate to mission success remains the core purpose of this newsletter.

Space Collaboration Council
The space industry is changing rapidly, and stronger collaboration between government and industry is necessary to address emerging challenges effectively. The prospect of a war in space, the emergence of new entrants, and the use of secondary payloads have disrupted the status quo, and the industry must change how it works together to adapt effectively to this changing world.