Getting It Right Getting It Right: December 2018 Cyber Defense for Cloud-Based Applications, The Future of Space System Manufacture, Software Assurance for a Resilient Ground Enterprise December 2018
Annual Report Creating An Agile Space Enterprise: The 2018 Annual Report The Aerospace Corporation's 2018 Annual Report spotlights several of last year's amazing efforts to shape the future of the space enterprise through innovation while delivering mission… December 2018
Paper Coming to GRIPS with Science When designing a space science mission, there is always a tradeoff between observation and cost, in which one would like to collect as many samples as possible in order to bound the problem in spite… December 2018
Fact Sheet Assessing the Potential Impacts of Space Weather Space weather, including storms on the Sun and in the magnetosphere (the region around a planet dominated by its magnetic field), affects our technology both in space and on Earth. In addition to… December 2018
Paper The Application Usability Framework Heliophysics research, like many research areas, has increasingly evolved to include more than just pure science inquiries. Opportunities for interdisciplinary research and transitioning… December 2018
Paper The Need for Informed and Targeted Heliophysics Research The lack of a robust applied space weather research community has made it difficult to assess the expected impacts of extreme space weather events to our lives and economy. December 2018
Paper Conceptualizing the Center for Space-weather Impacts and Innovation A small group of heliophysicists found themselves discussing what was needed to make transdisciplinary advancements in our research studies. Some key points were continually raised: better… December 2018
Getting It Right Getting It Right: September 2018 Revolutionizing Launch Access for Small Satellites, INCOSE Model-Based Enterprise Capabilities Matrix, Ensuring a Robust Infrastructure for Radiation-Effects Testing September 2018
Getting It Right Getting It Right: June 2018 Issue Commercial Off The Shelf for Long-Term Missions June 2018
Fact Sheet Spectrum Management Enables RF Sharing As the demand for more bandwidth on the finite radio frequency (RF) spectrum grows, the need for spectrum management is greater than ever to ensure equitable RF sharing while minimizing bandwidth… June 2018
Fact Sheet CORDS Offers Space Debris Expertise Increased space debris traffic increases the collision risk for launch vehicles and satellites. Aerospace’s Center for Orbital and Reentry Debris Studies (CORDS) addresses these threats by analyzing… June 2018
Fact Sheet Hive Satellites Lead Innovation To improve the agility and resiliency of space systems, Aerospace developed a concept called “Hive” that uses a disaggregation architecture of small, smart satellites with the ability to reconfigure… June 2018
Fact Sheet It's a Wrap on Space Debris Brane Craft, a concept for a spacecraft that can economically and efficiently remove space debris, won the NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts (NIAC) Phase I and II awards to further help cement The… June 2018
Fact Sheet Counter-Drone Modeling, Simulation, and Analysis The proliferation of unmanned aerial systems (UAS), or drones, has created a need for counter-UAS (CUAS) technology to combat those who use UAS for criminal or nefarious reasons. State-of-the-art… June 2018
Fact Sheet Supporting Technologies for Autonomous Vehicles Autonomous vehicles are poised to change the future of transportation. To make this futuristic technology a reality, the development of autonomous vehicles depends on a variety of connected and… June 2018
Fact Sheet Smallsat Mission Services Researchers at The Aerospace Corporation pioneered some of the first small spacecraft on orbit and were integrally involved in developing and promoting the CubeSat standard. It’s no surprise, then,… June 2018