Method of modifying a 3d-printed polymer structure

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Composition of Matter and Method

A method of modifying a 3D-printed polymer structure is provided. The method can include providing an initial 3D-printed polymer structure having at least one exposed surface; treating the exposed surface of the initial 3D-printed polymer structure with plasma to obtain a treated 3D-printed polymer structure having a treated surface; administering an adhesive to the treated surface of the treated 3D-printed polymer structure; and contacting a complementary 3D-printed polymer structure with the treated surface of the treated 3D-printed polymer structure to obtain a modified 3D-printed polymer structure.

Keywords: 3-D printing, additive manufacturing
International Class: B29C 59/14 20060101 B29C059/14, C09J 5/02 20060101 C09J005/02, B33Y 40/20 20060101 B33Y040/20, B33Y 80/00 20060101 B33Y080/00, B29C 64/188 20060101 B29C064/188