Spacecraft Deployable Release Mechanism

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Abstract; A release apparatus includes a base member and a channel having a first portion and a second portion. A first rod positioned within the first portion includes a first end portion having a first coupling device and a second end portion coupled to a first portion of a panel assembly. A second rod positioned within the channel''s second portion includes a first end portion having a second coupling device such that the second coupling device is positioned proximate to the first coupling device. The second rod includes a second end portion coupled to a second portion of the panel assembly. First and second coupling devices rotate such that a linear force is generated between the first and second rods, enabling the first rod second end portion and the second rod second end portion to simultaneously release the first and second portions of the panel assembly, respectively.

Keywords: actuator, release mechanism, shape memory
International Class: B64G 1/22 20060101 B64G001/22, B64G 1/64 20060101 B64G001/64, F16B 1/00 20060101 F16B001/00