Single-Event Burnout Hardened Power Schottky Diode

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Device or Machine

Under one aspect, a power Schottky diode includes a cathode; a semiconductor disposed over the cathode, the semiconductor including at least a first region and a second region, the second region defining a guard ring; an anode disposed over the first region and at least a portion of the guard ring, the anode including a metal, a junction between the anode and the first region defining a Schottky barrier; and an oxide disposed over the guard ring. Additionally, the power Schottky diode can include a resistive material disposed over at least a portion of the guard ring and at least a portion of the oxide. The resistive material can inhibit a flow of holes from the guard ring to the anode following a heavy ion strike to the guard ring. The anode further can be disposed over at least a portion of, or the entirety of, the resistive material.

Keywords: diode, Schottky diode
International Class: H01L29/47, H01L29/872, H01L29/06, H01L29/66, H01L49/02, H01L27/02, H01L21/266, H01L29/36, H01L21/311, H01L21/027, H01L21/02, H01L21/285, H01L23/29, H01L23/31, H03K17/08