A dedicated satellite to reduce the cost and increase the rate and reliability of data transmission from space to ground is provided. For each client satellite producing data in Earth orbit, a dedicated relay satellite is provided. The relay satellite may fly near the client satellite and receive data from the client satellite by RF communication. The relay satellite may transmit the data to a ground terminal or to another satellite using a laser communication system. Because the relay satellite is not physically connected to the client satellite, the attitude-control requirements of an optical communication system are not imposed on the client satellite. The relay satellite may also be deployed from the client satellite. The relay satellite may allow downlinking large amounts of data for new satellite operators without an existing ground network and for established satellite operators seeking higher data rates, lower latency, or reduced ground system operating costs.
Co-Orbiting Laser Communications Relay Satellite
Co-Orbiting Laser Communications Relay Satellite
Publication Date
Patent No.
Device or Machine
Keywords: communications, satellite, relay, laser comm
International Class: H04B7/185, B64G1/10, B64G1/40, B64G1/64, H04B10/29