Two Satellite Laser Communications Relay Node

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Device and Method

A relay satellite node is provided. The relay satellite node may enable separate pointing of a receive portion and transmit portion of the node, enabling continuous communication through the node. The node may include two separate satellites flying in close proximity to one another. One of the satellites may use its attitude-control system to enable high-gain communications from a distant source, and the other satellite may use its attitude-control system to enable high-gain communication to a distant receiver. The two satellites may communicate with one another over a high-rate, short-range, omnidirectional communication system. A LEO network of these nodes, in combination with dedicated client-specific relay satellites may provide high-rate communication between any space asset and a ground network with latency limited only by the speed of light.

Keywords: laser communication, relay, satellite, cubesat
International Class: H04B7/185, H04B10/112, H04B10/29, H04B10/50