Isolation Interference for high-speed data link for space electronics

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Patent No.
Device and Method

Under one aspect of the present invention, a structure for providing galvanically isolated communication between first and second spacecraft electronic components includes a semi-insulating substrate; an input port disposed on the substrate and configured to receive a signal from the first spacecraft electronic component; a coupling structure disposed on the substrate, coupled to the input port so as to receive the signal, and configured to provide an isolated replica of the received signal as an output; a signal conditioner disposed on the substrate, coupled to the coupling structure so as to receive the isolated replica of the received signal, and configured to condition the isolated replica; and an output port disposed on the substrate, coupled to the signal conditioner so as to receive the conditioned isolated replica, and configured to provide the conditioned isolated replica to the second spacecraft electronic component.

Keywords: galvanic, high-speed data, electronics
International Class: H01P5/00, H01P3/08, H04L25/02, H03H2/00