Integrated Optical Mixing Device Based on Multimode Waveguide Speckle Patterns

Patent No.
Device and Method

A multi-mode optic can receive as input a radio-frequency (RF) signal imposed on an optical carrier, and can output a speckle pattern. A digital representation of the radio-frequency signal can be obtained based on the speckle pattern. An optical sensor can be irradiated with a first portion of the speckle pattern, the first portion of the speckle pattern including an optical intensity profile that is different than an optical intensity profile of a second, spatially separated, portion of the speckle pattern. The multi-mode optic can impose the optical intensity profile on the first portion of the speckle pattern as a function of wavelength of the optical carrier. The optical intensity profiles of portions of the speckle pattern can define a mixing matrix. The digital representation of the RF signal can be obtained based on an output of the optical sensor and the mixing matrix.

Keywords: RF, radio frequency, signals, converting
International Class: H03M1/00, G02B27/48, G02F7/00, H03M1/12