Novel Method for Sensing Transient Effects Integrated Circuits

Patent No.
Device and Method

An image detection assembly includes a light source that is configured to generate at least one pulsed light beam. A modulator is configured to direct the pulsed light beam onto a device via a plurality of light patterns such that a plurality of electrical signals are generated by the device. Each electrical signal corresponds to a different light pattern. A signal processing apparatus is coupled to the device and the signal processing apparatus is configured to receive the electrical signals and to digitize each electrical signal to record a plurality of signal vectors such that each signal vector corresponds to a different electrical signal. The signal processing apparatus is also configured to generate at least one image output based, at least in part, on the recorded signal vectors and the light patterns such that the image output enables a determination of at least one transient effect on the device.

Keywords: imaging, sensor, integrated circuits
International Class: H04N5/63, H04N5/262