Narrow Bandwidth Interference Mitigation

Patent No.
Device and Method

Under one aspect, a system includes circuitry that digitizes and Fourier transforms first and second beams and outputs first and second sets of spectral bins. Each bin may include a portion of a group of signals or interference. The circuitry compares the collective power levels of each set of spectral bins to a predetermined threshold, and excises at least one bin of that set that contains the interference if the collective power level of that set exceeds the predetermined threshold. The circuitry determines an angular location of the interference based on excised bins, combines remaining bins with weights selected to form a null in a pattern of the first and second beams that is aligned with the interference''s angular location, and inversely Fourier transforms the combined remaining bins and outputs the group of signals less any interference that was excised or excluded by the null.

Keywords: signals, bandwidth, interference
International Class: H03D1/04, H04B1/10