Thrust Vector Control Using Jet Paddles (13-24), Attitude Control for Rocket Propelled Vehicles Using Moving Masses (13-25)

Publication Date
Patent No.
Device and Method

Attitude and/or attitude rate of a vehicle may be controlled using jet paddles and/or movable masses. Thrust direction generally may also be controlled using jet paddles. The jet paddles may be moved into and/or sufficiently close to the exhaust flow, and out of the exhaust flow, to change the thrust direction. Movable masses may also be used in addition to, or in lieu of, jet paddles. Movement of the movable masses alters a center-of-mass of the vehicle, generating torque that changes vehicle attitude.

Keywords: attitude, attitude control
International Class: B64C15/02, B64C17/00, F02K1/00, F02K9/90, B64C19/00, F02K9/80