Alternative Protection of MIL-STD-1553B Communication Channel From Attacks

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Device and Method

A switch configured to enforce MIL-STD-1553B communication protocol is provided. The protocol is a request-response protocol allowing a bus controller to send a request and a remote terminal to send a response. In one embodiment, the switch is configured to isolate communication between a bus controller and each remote terminal by blocking non-compliant communications issued from any remote terminal. The switch may also isolate communication preventing a first remote terminal from receiving communication from a second remote terminal when the communication is not addressed to the first remote terminal. In another embodiment, a system provides isolation for bus controller to remote terminal communications by using one-to-one pairings of bus controller terminals to remote terminals. The switch may select a particular bus-controller-terminal-to-remote-terminal pairing from amongst a plurality of bus-controller-terminal-to-remote-terminal pairings. In certain embodiments, the switch records and reports information regarding communications from remote terminals not complying with the MIL-STD-1553B protocol.

Keywords: Mil-Std-1553b, communications
International Class: G06F13/40, G06F13/16