Adaptive Cancellation of Intermodulation Distortion by Harmonic Feedback Controlled Bias Voltage Tuning

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Device and Method

A system linearization assembly generally includes a filter that is coupled to a measuring device. The filter is configured to receive a signal that includes a time varying parameter representing a plurality of frequency components including at least one component caused by non-linear intermodulation distortion, such as an odd-order intermodulation distortion component. The filter is also configured to isolate at least one harmonic of the frequency components with the same order as the component caused by non-linear intermodulation distortion. The measuring device is configured to measure at least one parameter of the isolated harmonic. The system linearization assembly also includes a controller coupled to the measuring device. The controller is configured to modify, for example by minimizing, the signal from the determined measurement to facilitate a modification, such as a reduction, of the component caused by non-linear intermodulation distortion.

Keywords: signal, signal delay, distortion
International Class: H03F1/32, H03F1/26, H03F3/193, H03G3/20