Highly Stable Lithium Niobate Waveguide Structures

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Device and Method

Embodiments of the present invention provide stable lithium niobate waveguide devices, and methods of making and using the same. A lithium niobate-based waveguide device may include a Z-cut lithium niobate substrate having upper and lower surfaces, an optical waveguide embedded within the lithium niobate substrate, a signal electrode disposed on the upper surface of lithium niobate substrate and parallel to the optical waveguide, guard electrodes disposed on the upper surface of the lithium niobate substrate and flanking but spaced apart from the signal electrode, and a conductive layer on the lower surface of the lithium niobate substrate, wherein the conductive layer serves as a common ground reference for the signal and guard electrodes.

Keywords: waveguide, lithium niobate
International Class: G02F1/01, G02F1/035