Integrated CMOS Sun Sensor

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Device or Machine

Under one aspect of the present invention, a monolithic sun sensor includes a photosensor; a spacer material disposed over the photosensor; and a patterned mask disposed over the spacer material and defining an aperture over the photosensor. The spacer material has a thickness selected such that the patterned mask casts a shadow onto the photosensor that varies as a function of the monolithic sun sensor''s angle relative to the sun. The sun sensor may further include a substrate in which the photosensor is embedded or on which the photosensor is disposed. The spacer material may be transparent, and may include a layer of inorganic oxide, or a plurality of layers of inorganic oxide. The patterned mask may include a conductive material, such as a metal. The aperture may be lithographically defined, and may be square. The sun sensor may further include a transparent overlayer disposed over the patterned mask.

Keywords: sensor, sun sensor
International Class: H01L27/146, G01S3/786, H01L31/02, H01L31/0216