THz Generation in a Photoconductive Waveguide with a Dispersed Ultrashort Laser Pulse

Patent No.
Device and Method

A terahertz generating assembly generally includes a light emitting device that is configured to generate at least one pulsed light beam. A first dispersion member is positioned proximate to the light emitting device, wherein the first dispersion member is configured to facilitate a temporal dispersion of the light beam. A second dispersion member is positioned proximate to the first dispersion member and to the light emitting device, wherein the second dispersion member is configured to facilitate a spatial dispersion of the light beam. A lens is positioned proximate to each of the first and second dispersion members, wherein the lens is configured to focus the temporal and spatial dispersions to produce at least one moving spot of light. At least one waveguide is positioned proximate to the lens, wherein the waveguide is configured to apply a biased voltage to the spot of light to generate pulsed terahertz radiation.

Keywords: teraherz radiation, THz, pulsed
International Class: H01S5/00, H01S3/00