A Self-calibrating, Frequency-discriminating Signal Detection System

Patent No.
Device or Machine

A detection system includes a receiver configured to generate a receiver signal representative of detected electromagnetic energy, and an analog-to-digital converter (ADC) configured to generate a plurality of signal samples based on the receiver signal. The detection system also includes a detection module configured to identify a plurality of sample offsets for the signal samples, and execute a plurality of autocorrelation functions on the signal samples to provide an output of each of the autocorrelation functions, wherein each autocorrelation function is executed on at least a portion of the signal samples identified by a sample offset of the plurality of sample offsets. The detection module is also configured to compute a sum of the autocorrelation function outputs, normalize the sum of the autocorrelation function outputs, and determine whether a signal of interest is present within the electromagnetic energy based on the normalized sum.

Keywords: signal, detection, detector
International Class: H04B1/16