Design for a Combined Surface Charging and Electro-Static Discharge Recorder

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Device and Method

A charge detection device includes a dielectric member, a base plate coupled to the dielectric member, and a processing unit coupled to the plate. The dielectric member is representative of at least one material on a location of a vessel and the dielectric member induces an electrostatic potential energy when charged. The plate channels the induced energy through at least a portion of the device. The plate further receives at least one signal that is representative of an electrostatic discharge from a different location of the vessel. The processing unit generates at least one first output of a measurement for the induced energy. The processing unit further generates at least one second output of the presence of the electrostatic discharge to facilitate a correlation between the first and second outputs such that a user is enabled to determine the presence of at least one hazardous charging condition on the vessel.

Keywords: ESD, electro-static discharge, monitor, recorder
International Class: G01R29/12