Active Orbital Debris Removal Using Spacecraft with Capture Device

Publication Date
Patent No.
Device and Method

Systems, apparatuses, and methods for removal of orbital debris are provided. In one embodiment, an apparatus includes a spacecraft control unit configured to guide and navigate the apparatus to a target. The apparatus also includes a dynamic object characterization unit configured to characterize movement, and a capture feature, of the target. The apparatus further includes a capture and release unit configured to capture a target and deorbit or release the target. The collection of these apparatuses is then employed as multiple, independent and individually operated vehicles launched from a single launch vehicle for the purpose of disposing of multiple debris objects.

Keywords: debris, removal
International Class: B64G1/36, B64G1/10, B64G1/22, B64G1/62, G05D1/00, G05D1/08, G05D1/10, G05D3/00, G06F17/00