A Process Using Atmospheric Plasma Treatment to Maximize Oxygen Incorporation of Sensitive Nano-Carbon-Based Materials for the Optimization of Wettability and Dispersion in Composites Without the Typically Associated Oxidative Degradation

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Composition of Matter

A method and composition wherein carbonaceous nano-scaled filler material is subjected to atmospheric plasma treatment using carbon monoxide as the active gas. The treatment with carbon monoxide plasma has been found to significantly increase the incorporation of oxygen groups on the surface of the filler material without degrading the surface and thus serves to increase wettability and dispersion throughout the matrix. The composite that incorporates the treated filler material has enhanced mechanical and electrical properties.

Keywords: carbon, nano carbon, plasma, oxygen
International Class: H01B1/04, C08K3/04, C23C14/58, H05H1/24, B82Y99/00