Multi-Fuel Hybrid Rocket Fuel Grain and Production Method

Publication Date
Patent No.
Device and Method

Certain embodiments of the invention may include systems, methods, and apparatus for providing a multi-fuel hybrid rocket motor. According to an example embodiment of the invention, a method is provided for producing a multi-fuel hybrid motor. The method can include forming a body, where the body includes one or more intake ports; one or more exit nozzles; one or more channels connecting the one or more intake ports with the one or more exit nozzles; and a plurality of cavities comprising segment walls in communication with the one or more channels. The method also includes depositing a propellant fuel within the plurality of cavities, wherein at least a portion of the propellant fuel is exposed to the one or more channels and wherein the propellant fuel has a higher burn consumption rate than the segment walls.

Keywords: rocket motor, hybrid motor, fuel grain
International Class: F02K9/12, F02K9/10, F02K9/16, F02K9/36, F02K9/34