A Material Processing Method for Creating Embedded Metal Structures in a Substrate

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Device and Method

Systems and methods for preparing films comprising metal using sequential ion implantation, and films formed using same, are provided herein. A structure prepared using ion implantation may include a substrate; an embedded structure having pre-selected characteristics; and a film within or adjacent to the embedded structure. The film comprises a metal having a perturbed arrangement arising from the presence of the embedded structure. The perturbed arrangement may include metal ions that coalesce into a substantially continuous, electrically conductive metal layer, or that undergo covalent bonding, whereas in the absence of the embedded structure the metal ions instead may be free to diffuse through the substrate. The embedded structure may control the diffusion of the metal through the substrate and/or the reaction of the metal within the substrate.

Keywords: thin film, ions, metal
International Class: H01L29/02, B81C1/00, C23C14/10, C23C14/14, C23C14/48, C23C14/54, C23C14/58, H01L21/02, H01L21/265, H01L21/268, H01L23/58, H01L29/207