Socket-based Multicast Channel Emulator

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Patent No.
Algorithm and Method

Systems and methods for emulating the reception of a multicast message considering simulated host channel characteristics. Methods, according to various embodiments, may comprise executing a plurality of host applications subscribing to a first multicast group address. The methods may also comprise executing a plurality of sockets. The methods may also comprise receiving a data packet indicating the first multicast group address. The data packet may be modified according to a first channel impairment condition to generate a first impaired data packet, which may be directed to a first host application selected from the plurality of host applications via a first socket selected from the plurality of sockets. The first socket may correspond to the first host. The data packet may be modified according to a second channel impairment condition to generate a second impaired data packet directed to a second host application via a second socket.

Keywords: modelling
International Class: G06F9/445, G06F15/16, H04L12/16, H04Q11/00