A Hexapod Six-Degrees-of-Freedom Shaker

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Device or Machine

A shaker for enabling the testing of gyros and/or other devices for performance under realistic 6DOF motions. The shaker may be implemented as a hexapod, comprising a plate and six individually, simultaneously, and real-time controllable strut assemblies that are capable of extending and contracting linearly. The strut assemblies may comprise high-precision, linear electromagnetic actuators. The strut assemblies may also comprise high-precision non-contact sensors to sense the extension/contraction of the strut assemblies along their stroke length. In addition, the strut assemblies may comprise, at each end thereof, stiff, bendable flexures to attain the repeatable and linear motion required. The controller preferably has a control bandwidth of 1000 Hz or more, so that the motion of the plate can be precisely controlled to realize realistic 6DOF motions.

Keywords: shaker
International Class: B06B3/00