Optical Wideband Converter

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Patent No.
Device and Method

Systems and methods for converting wideband signals in the optical domain are provided. A device for obtaining a digital representation of a received signal may include a spatially dispersive element that may be configured to spatially disperse frequencies in an optical-domain representation of the received signal; a spatial light modulator that may be configured to mix the dispersed optical frequencies by imposing a mixing matrix on an optical intensity of the dispersed optical frequencies; an optical sensor that may be configured to obtain an electrical representation of the mixed dispersed optical frequencies; and a signal recovery processor that may be configured to obtain a digital representation of the received signal based on the electrical representation and the mixing matrix. The signal recovery processor may be further configured to determine a modulation format of the digital representation and may demodulate the digital representation based on the modulation format.

Keywords: wideband signal, optical wideband converter
International Class: H03M1/00