Gas Phase Additives to Prevent and Reduce Contamination Laser Induced Damage to Optical Components

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Device and Method

Systems and methods for preventing or reducing contamination enhanced laser induced damage (C-LID) to optical components are provided including a housing enclosing an optical component, a container configured to hold a gas phase additive and operatively coupled to the housing; and a delivery system configured to introduce the gas phase additive from the container into the housing and to maintain the gas phase additive at a pre-selected partial pressure within the housing. The gas phase additive may have a greater affinity for the optical component than does a contaminant and may be present in an amount sufficient to inhibit laser induced damage resulting from contact between the contaminant and the optical component. The housing may be configured to maintain a sealed gas environment or vacuum.

Keywords: C-LID, contamination, contamination-enhanced laser induced damage, laser, optical, gas phase
International Class: H01S3/22, B23K26/12, H01S3/23