Cognitive Anti-Jam Receiver

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Patent No.
Device and Method

Cognitive anti-jam receiver systems and associated methods are provided. The systems and methods may include a signal analysis module that processes a baseband signal to determine one or more signal characteristics of the baseband signal, the baseband signal comprising at least a desired signal; a cognitive decision unit that receives the one or more signal characteristics from the signal analysis module, and generates at least one first adaptive parameter; and at least one anti-jam processing module that processes the baseband signal to generate a modified signal that reduces an impact of at least one jammer signal on a quality of reception of the desired signal from the baseband signal, where processing by the at least one anti-jam processing module may be based at least in part on the received at least one first adaptive parameter from the cognitive decision unit.

Keywords: anti-jamming, receiver
International Class: H04K3/00, H04B17/00, H04M11/00, H04W4/00