A Novel Receiver Architecture for the Mitigation of the Impact of Pulse Interference from the Command Destruct Subsystem of the USAF Space Lift Range System

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Method or Process

A receiver may comprise a complex mixer for converting the modulated signal to a complex modulated signal comprising a first in-phase component and a first quadrature component. The receiver may further comprise a digital demodulator. The digital demodulator may comprise at least one processor circuit programmed for applying a phase differencer for generating an output function in terms of a phase difference of the complex modulated signal. Applying the phase differencer may comprise converting the first in-phase component to a function of a phase difference of the first in-phase component expressed in digital time, and converting the first quadrature component to a function of the phase difference of the first quadrature component expressed in digital time. The at least one processor circuit of the digital demodulator may also be programmed for applying a four quadrant inverse tangent to the output function to generate the information signal.

Keywords: receiver, architecture, frequency modulation, signal processing
International Class: H04K1/02, H03K7/06, H04L27/12, H04L27/156