Band Selection Holographic Optics for Solar Power Generation

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Device or Machine

A solar concentrator receives sunlight for generating solar power with the concentrator including holographic optical element (HOE) separators for separating sunlight into separated bands, including HOE concentrators for concentrating the separated bands into concentrated bands, including HOE reflectors for reflecting the concentrated bands as reflected bands onto a multiple junction photovoltaic solar cell for generating the solar power with reduced aberrations of the bands for improved conversion of the solar light into the generator solar power, all of which can be constructed in an integrated structure using spacers, waveguides, and a substrate, where the HOEs use chirp Bragg gratings for reducing optical aberrations of the separated, concentrated, and reflected optical bands, with the option of multiple HOE separators for receiving sunlight from various angles of incidence.

Keywords: optics, solar, solar power
International Class: H01L31/00, H01L31/0232, H01L31/052