Parallel Prefilters

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Device or Machine

An observation lock detector block receives I&Q correlations and generates error measurement vectors, each including phase, frequency, code, pseudorange, and covariance residual estimates, and generates validity indicator and confidence indicator vectors, one of which error measurement vectors is an output as a selected error measurement vector with a respective validity indicator and confidence indicator vector, both of which selected vectors are communicated to a navigation solution processor in a ultratightly coupled navigation system for providing improved estimations of a navigation solution, the indicators indicating the usefulness of measurement errors, the prefilter detector block comprising discriminators, sequential filters, observation lock detectors and a measurement selector for selecting measurement vector based on phase, frequency, and code discriminations, the measurement errors being residual estimates that are indicated as valid or invalid for dynamic propagation of the residuals in a navigation receiver for improved performance, especially in low signal-to-noise environments, such as, for use in an ultratight GPS navigation system.

Keywords: prefilter, detector
International Class: H03D1/00