Multi-Target Tracking Anti-Spoofing Receiver

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Device or Machine

A multitarget tracking antispoofing receiver utilizes multitarget tracking algorithms and multiple correlators for tracking signals of interest in a field of view about a nominal trajectory of a desired true signal for tracking targets within the code phase and carrier frequency signal space so as to predict when true and spoof signals will cross paths in the signal space without spoofing with loss of tracking of the desired signal so that true tracking of a desired target is maintained in the presence of a spoofing signal moving along a spoofing signal track and crossing a true path of the true signal.

Keywords: receiver, anti-spoofing, signal processing
International Class: G01S1/00, G01S19/21, G01C21/00, G01S19/26, H04B1/00, G01S19/29, G01S19/30