A system includes a computing device that generates at least one process script for the modification to a glass ceramic substrate and at least one pattern script that corresponds to the process script. The computing device also merges the process script with the pattern script and generates a plurality of command signals that are based on the merged process and pattern scripts. An energy source generates a plurality of light beams based on the generated command signal(s). A waveform apparatus generates at least one waveform signal to customize the generated light beams based on the generated command signal(s). At least one modulating component modulates the generated light beams based on generated command signal(s). An optical assembly is configured to apply the modulated plurality of light beams to the glass ceramic substrate. At least one motion stage encoder is configured to provide at least one three dimensional (3D) coordinate position of the optical assembly with respect to the motion control drive in order to coordinate application of the modulated light beams with a predefined spatial location.
Systems and methods for the patterning of material substrates
Systems and methods for the patterning of material substrates
Publication Date
Patent No.
Method or Process (e.g. a way to accomplish a given result)
Keywords: laser-etching, photo glass
International Class: G05B19/4155