Embedded Volumetric Exposure Processing in Photostructurable Glasses (Photocerams) via a Laser Direct-Write Technique

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Method or Process

A laser direct write method creates true three dimensional structures within photocerams using an focused pulsed ultraviolet laser with a wavelength in a weakly absorbing region of the photoceram material. A critical dose of focused laser UV light selectively exposes embedded volumes of the material for subsequent selective etching. The photoceram material exposure is nonlinear with the laser fluence and the critical dose depends on the square of the per shot fluence and the number of pulses. The laser light is focused to a focal depth for selective volumetric exposure of the material within a focal volume within the remaining collateral volumes that is critically dosed for selecting etching and batch fabrication of highly defined embedded structures.

Keywords: photostructured, MEMs, etching, laser etching
International Class: B44C1/22, B81C1/00, C03C23/00, B44C1/22, C03C15/00