A Method of Forming an Electrically Addressable Array Using Diode Isolation in a Single Thin Film

Patent No.
Method or Process

The method addresses and interrogates addressable cells having at least one element including a polysilicon resistor functioning as a heating element and blocking diode preventing sneak current to un addressed elements, for selectively addressing one of the cells using row and column address line in a thin film structure having a minimum number of address lines and a minimum number of layers. The resistor heating element can be used for igniting a respective fuel cell in an array of fuel cells disposed in a thin film microthruster. After ignition, the address lines are used to interrogate the cell location for verification of fuel cell ignition well suited for monitoring fuel burns and usage of the microthruster.

Keywords: thin film, diode
International Class: F02K9/95, H01L27/10, H01L21/82, H01L21/00, H03K17/00