Method of Determining Carrier Reference Phase for Coherent Demodulation of Frequency Hopped GMSK or OOKGMSK Signals with Synch Word(s) Arbitrarily Located Within the Hop

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Method or Process

Unambiguous carrier phase estimation for frequency hop signals of a frequency hopping Gaussian minimum shift keying (GMSK) communication system using coherent demodulation is enabled by channel zeroing bits and channel guard bits positioned between each pair a preceding data portion and a succeeding synch word, functioning as cumulative data phase zero forcing bits that force the accumulative data phase to zero at the end of the synch word for determining the carrier phase for subsequent data demodulation so that each synch word may be arbitrarily placed within a hop of the hopping signal having an unknown carrier phase for improved interference immunity.

Keywords: signal processing, modulation
International Class: H04B1/7156, H04B1/713