Mission Success Summit (MSS)

Date & Time
May 02, 2023 9:30 am - 7:00 pm Eastern Time
Hybrid | The Aerospace Corporation | Chantilly, VA, 14745 Lee Road, Chantilly, VA 20151, United States

Global events have required the space enterprise to continuously adjust what to build (capability), when to flex (capacity), and how to innovate. Lack of consensus (funding/ sponsorship/etc.) across the community have often left opportunities on the cutting room floor. However, i.ntegrated approaches crafted collaboratively by these communities can achieve outsized success. Several recent strategic intent statements are inspiring and motivating the current space enterprise.

At MSS 2023, let’s pull the thread on these strategic intent documents to understand what specific Calls to Action are needed to move from intent to operations. To frame that discussion, let’s look at what opportunities we’ve missed and obstacles to overcome to achieve the space enterprise’s full potential, and develop CTAs for the enterprise

To view more information, please visit the 2023 MSS Homepage.