Aerospace Sessions at IAC 2024

The Aerospace Corporation will be participating in the 75th International Astronautical Congress (IAC), which will take place in Milan on Oct. 14-18, 2024.
Astronaut in Space over Earth


Monday, Oct. 14, 2024​

15:30 CEST​ - Session 8-E9.1: Policy, Legal, Institutional, Economic and Security Aspects of Debris Mitigation, Debris Remediation and STM​

This session will address all non-technical aspects of debris mitigation, debris remediation and STM. Papers may focus on aspects of responsibility, liability and registration, on the role of bodies such as UNCOPUOS or IADC, as well as on insurance, financial incentives     and funding. In addition, security-related aspects and the role of international cooperation in addressing these issues may be considered.

Location: Brown Hall 3

  • Co-Chair: Dr. David Spencer, Senior Project Leader, Flight Mechanics​ at The Aerospace Corporation (United States)
  • Co-Chair: Prof. Serge Plattard, University College London (UCL) (United Kingdom)
  • Co-Chair: Dr. Tanja Masson-Zwaan, International Institute of Air and Space Law, Leiden University (The Netherlands)
  • Co-Chair: Mr. Andrea Capurso, LUISS Guido Carli University (Italy)
  • Rapporteur: Dr. Emma Kerr, Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (DSTL) (United Kingdom)
  • Rapporteur: Ms. Victoria Samson, Secure World Foundation (United States)


Tuesday, Oct. 15, 2024​

10:15 CEST​ - Session A6.1: Space Debris Detection, Tracking and Characterization​

This session will address every aspect of SST (Space Surveillance and Tracking), advanced ground and space-based measurement techniques, relating processing methods, and results of space debris characterization.

Location: Brown Hall 3​

  • Co-Chair: Dr. Mark Skinner, Senior Project Lead, FAA Programs​ at The Aerospace Corporation​ (United States)
  • Co-Chair: Dr. Fabrizio Piergentili, Sapienza University of Rome (Italy)
  • Rapporteur: Prof. Thomas Schildknecht, SwissSpace Association (Switzerland)


Wednesday, Oct. 16, 2024​

10:15 CEST​ - Session E1.4: In Orbit: Postgraduate Space Education​

This session will explore innovative space education and outreach programmes for postgraduate students. This can include the development and delivery of innovative courses, project-based work, and work placements. Emphasis should be placed on how the programme is structured for maximum impact, how the impact is measured and how the lessons learned are being applied to other courses. This session will also consider programmes and activities that focus on the professional development of postgraduate educators, or on educational methodologies of relevance to postgraduate education.

Location: Green Hall 1

  • Co-Chair: Dr. Manuela Aguzzi, Space Applications Services (Belgium) 
  • Co-Chair: Dr. Sandra Haeuplik-Meusburger, TU Wien, (Austria)
  • Co-Chair: Dr. David Spencer, Senior Project Leader, Flight Mechanics​ at The Aerospace Corporation (United States)
  • Rapporteur: Mr. Victor Baptista, Ideia Space (Brazil)

15:00 CEST - Access to Space for Small Satellite Missions

A key challenge facing the viability and growth of the small satellite community is affordable and reliable space access. Topics of interest for this session include the utilization of dedicated launches; development of ride-share systems, auxiliary payload systems, and separation and dispenser systems; and responsive integration approaches that will enable efficient small satellite access to space. Includes lessons learned from users on technical and programmatic approaches. 

Location: Space Hall 2

  • Co-Chair: Mr. Yves Gerard, Airbus Defence & Space (France)
  • Co-Chair: Mr. Philip Davies, Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd (SSTL) (United Kingdom) 
  • Rapporteur: Dr. Jeff Emdee, General Manager of the Space-Based Sensing Division at The Aerospace Corporation (United States) 
  • Rapporteur: Mr. Carlos Niederstrasser, Northrop Grumman Corporation (United States)


Thursday, Oct. 17, 2024​

14:50-15:35 CEST​ - Heads of Think Tank: Quo Vadis Space Sustainability

In alignment with the IAF's motto "Connecting @ll Space People" and its mission to foster partnerships and knowledge sharing, this Global Networking Forum, jointly organized by the European Space Policy Institute and The Aerospace Corporation's Center for Space Policy and Strategy, will feature high-level representation from the global think tank community. The event will delve into the multifaceted aspects of space sustainability and best practices for engaging international stakeholders in sustainable initiatives. 

The event will explore three key facets of space sustainability: 

  • The role of space technologies in facilitating the Green Transition, ensuring their impact on decarbonizing non-space industry sectors and incorporation into future Green Transition policies. 
  • Achieving NetZero targets within the space sector, focusing on reducing environmental footprints across development, manufacturing, launch, and operation. 
  • Ensuring the safe and sustainable use of the space environment amid increasing government and commercial satellite deployments, while fostering innovative approaches to safety, security, and sustainability.

Location: Red Hall, Level 1, North Wing, MiCo Convention Centre​

  • Moderator: Peggy Hollinger, Space Industry Editor at Financial Times, The Financial Times Ireland
  • Dr. Jamie Morin, Vice President of Defense Strategic Space at The Aerospace Corporation​ (United States)
  • Ikuko Kuriyama, Visiting researcher at Institute for Future Initiatives (IFI) (Japan)
  • Hermann Ludwig Moeller, Director at European Space Policy Institute (ESPI) (Italy)
  • Hebe Romero Talavera, Member at Center for Aerospace Research of Paraguay (CIAP) (Paraguay)

15:00 CEST​ - Session A6.2: Modeling and Risk Analysis​

This session will address the characterization of the current and future debris population and methods for in-orbit and on-ground risk assessments. The in-orbit analysis will cover collision risk estimates based on statistical population models and deterministic catalogues,  and active collision avoidance.

Location: Brown Hall 3​

  • Co-Chair: Marlon Sorge, Technical Fellow, Space Innovation Directorate​ at The Aerospace Corporation​ (United States)
  • Co-Chair: Mr. Dan Oltrogge, COMSPOC Corp. (United States)
  • Rapporteur: Dr. Carmen Pardini, ISTI-CNR (Italy)

15:00 CEST - Joint Session between IAA and IAF for Small Satellite Propulsion Systems

This session will pay particular attention to propulsion systems and associated technologies as an enabler to efficient small satellite access to space and orbit change. Papers are invited discussing the particular challenges of design, manufacture, testing, operations and technological developments of small satellite propulsion systems, and the challenges of obtaining high performance within a small volume and mass. The scope includes chemical and electric propulsion systems for major orbit changes, fine orbit control and maintenance, and end-of-life disposal. This session will be accepting submissions for oral presentations only.

Location: Blue Hall 1

  • Co-Chair: Dr. Jeff Emdee, General Manager of the Space-Based Sensing Division at The Aerospace Corporation (United States) 
  • Co-Chair: Dr. Arnau Pons Lorente, Space Generation Advisory Council (SGAC) (United States) 
  • Rapporteur: Mrs. Elena Toson, Space Generation Advisory Council (SGAC) (Italy) 
  • Rapporteur: Dr. Angelo Cervone, Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) (The Netherlands)

16:20-17:30 CEST​ - Interactive Workshop on Space Sustainability: Defining Space Sustainability, Together​

This Special Session is designed in the form of an interactive workshop that will unravel the complexities of Space Sustainability from legal, technical, communications (media), corporate perspectives. Engage in an interactive and collaborative effort with diverse space stakeholders to define together what space sustainability means. The session will also focus on creating a larger community of Space Sustainability enthusiasts from an diverse disciplines.

Location: Red Hall 2​


  • Mahhad Nayyer Co-Lead at Space Safety and Sustainability Project Group, Space Generation Advisory Council (SGAC) (Pakistan)
  • Alessandra Gargiulo, CEO of Uyolo s.r.l. (Italy)
  • Miles Lifson​. Research Engineer at The Aerospace Corporation​ (United States)
  • Ksenia Ozkok, Founder of Re.Brand Academy (Türkiye) 
  • Hamza Hameed, Senior Practice Manager at Space & Connectivity, Access Partnership, Space Generation Advisory Council (SGAC) (Pakistan)


Friday, Oct. 18, 2024​

10:15 CEST​ - Session B2.6: Cubesat, Internet of Things, and Mobile Direct Communications​

This session is focused on small satellite, IoT and mobile communication services that can communicate directly with 3GPP mobile phone terminals including all aspects of space communications, services, architecture and infrastructure: Narrow Band (NB)-IoT, 3GPP IoT terminals; LoRa IoT terminals; Low Power Wide Area (LPWA); Non-Terrestrial Network (NTN); cube-, pico-, nano-, micro-satellites; High Altitude Platform Station (HAPS); in-orbit, on-ground demonstrations and results; present and future scenarios; next generation systems and applications; terrestrial-based systems; small satellites; Earth observation satellites; devices; subsystems and components; laboratory demonstration hardware; site-diversity techniques; modulation formats.  Both terrestrial and satellite networks will be available at the same terminal, and coverage is expected to expand significantly.

Location: Orange Hall 2​

  • Co-Chair: Dr. Debra Emmons, Vice President and Chief Technology Officer​ at The Aerospace Corporation​ (United States)
  • Co-Chair: Dr. Amane Miura, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) (Japan)
  • Rapporteur: Mr. Giuseppe D'Amore, Agenzia Spaziale Italiana (ASI) (Italy)

10:15 CEST​ - Session D2.8: In-Space Transportation Solutions and Space Logistics​

This session is focused on in-space transportation capabilities and mission architectures, existing or under study. Related enabling and support missions, such as robotic servicing and supply, as well as technology roadmaps shall be discussed. The session will also implement large scale exploration missions.

Location: White Hall 2​

  • Co-Chair: Randy Kendall​, Vice President, Launch Missiles, and Mobility​ at The Aerospace Corporation​ (United States)
  • Co-Chair: Mr. Josef Wiedemann, MT Aerospace AG (Germany)
  • Rapporteur: Dr. Gennaro Russo, Campania Aerospace District, DAC (Italy)
  • Rapporteur: Dr. Élcio Jeronimo de Oliveira, Associazione Italiana di Aeronautica e Astronautica (AIDAA) (Brazil)