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Meet Our People: Richard

A propulsion engineer turned space enthusiast.
Star field background with award sticker on top

Name: Richard 


Education: Master's degree in aerospace engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology
Bachelor's degree in aerospace engineering, University of California, Los Angeles

What are you working on at Aerospace?
Space Systems Modeling and Simulation (M&S). When any new challenging technical problem arises typically in the area of how a particular space system or architecture would perform, I either use existing M&S tools at the company (with a strong heritage of supporting different programs) or do the research and work with subject matter experts in the company as needed to build new capabilities that can enable a thorough analysis and understanding of the problem. 

What is a typical day like for you at Aerospace?
My day can be rather busy and includes having to balance between meeting with multiple customers, checking in on the statuses of teams for different projects, planning for future tasks, and the most fun part, doing actual technical engineering work. Sometimes I stay late to ensure deadlines are met on time, but that is not a requirement. It’s all about finding the right work life balance for each individual. 

What’s the most exciting part of your job?
Being a military buff growing up, the most exciting part of this job was learning about how space enables our military forces and their operations, visiting different military bases and facilities, and finding new, innovative ways to make a great job even cooler (like working on ways of turning space analysis into playing a video game).

Tell us one thing nobody would guess about you?
Unlike most space enthusiasts who work here, I had essentially zero space experience prior to joining Aerospace. My school work focused on jet propulsion but after coming here, I was able to learn everything I know by working with some of the nation’s leading space experts. 

What excites you about the aerospace industry and space today?
The space industry is truly in the middle of a revolutionary paradigm shift due to new advancements in the industry, global space activities, and surging interests from both the government and commercial sectors. Working at Aerospace, we are at the heart of influencing the outcome on some of that new paradigm and we get to do it by leveraging the technical skills we’ve developed through our years of hard work in school. It’s an incredibly exciting and rewarding time to be in this industry. 

Would you be willing to colonize Mars if it meant never returning to Earth?
Absolutely not, Matt Damon would drive me crazy. 

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