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Reaching for the Stars

Our team of scientists and engineers are dedicated to fostering the spirit of curiosity that fills inquisitive minds, showing them the endless possibilities that await in space.
Child throwing a paper airplane.

At Aerospace, we are proud of the world-class experts—many of whom are the foremost in their respective fields—that make up our technical workforce. It was not that long ago, however, that each of these scientists and engineers began their own journey as a young student curious about the possibilities of space.  

That’s why inspiring the next generation of the brightest minds for science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) is ingrained in the fabric of Aerospace’s culture. By generously contributing their time and talents, Aerospace employees are committed to ensuring children have access to a variety of opportunities in STEM, empowering them to dream big and reach for the stars.  

Child looking up at the sky.
Aerospace employees are committed to ensuring children have access to a variety of opportunities in STEM, empowering them to dream big and reach for the stars.  

At this year’s City of STEM and LA Maker Faire, Aerospace volunteers showed up with a smile on their face to get kids excited about all the possibilities STEM has to offer. During this interactive event, Aerospace and volunteers from the United States Space Force teamed up to work with kids and teach them about the work we do in space.  

Throughout the day, the volunteers were able to engage with more than 1,000 visitors, connecting with them at our booth and showing them a variety of model rockets. Aerospace volunteers taught kids about aerodynamics, drag and lift through a paper airplane design challenge and the kids got to see their creations take flight and zoom through the air.  

By educating students through hands-on activities, Aerospace’s experts and volunteers are able to provide kids a better learning experience. At a VEX Robotics Competition in Virginia, Aerospace volunteers assisted in managing an event where more than 400 elementary, middle and high school students gained first-hand experience in engineering and working as a team.  

Throughout the day, Aerospace volunteers utilized their own experience and expertise to inspect robots, judge the competition and more. Visitors to the event were able to experience the excitement of a robotics competition, learn about Aerospace’s work, get an up-close view of an AeroCube model, and learn about how they can apply their skills in the future.  

Volunteers are integral to making events like this possible and helping students see their potential as the next generation of scientists and engineers. By giving their time and talents, Aerospace volunteers play a key role in inspiring young minds and helping students on their journey to take their place in space.

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