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Shaping the Future—United and Inclusive

The Aerospace Executive Diversity Council assists in crafting our diversity and inclusion goals to foster a stronger, more diverse workplace. Chaired by our CEO, the council celebrates the fundamental belief that people are our most precious resource.
Steve and Dr. Wayne H. Goodman, Aerospace executive vice president, gather with the 2018 summer interns for the TEC Talk event in Chantilly, VA.

We’re all unique, coming from diverse backgrounds and all walks of life, yet one belief bonds all of us to each other—the belief that we can make a difference. This core belief empowers us to do our best work. 

At Aerospace, where our people are our most precious resource, we launched the Aerospace Executive Diversity Council—chaired by our CEO—in November 2017 to assist in creating the corporation’s diversity and inclusion goals and to foster a stronger, more diverse workplace. 

The council works tirelessly to maintain a dynamic and robust diversity and inclusion strategy for the corporation. We realized early on that Employee Resource Groups resonate importantly in our culture of inclusion. Previously named Affinity Groups, their impact at Aerospace goes far beyond networking; they help the corporation advance corporate initiatives as well as the agenda for recruiting, professional development, and the way we brand and position ourselves in the marketplace. An inclusive and diverse culture helps us to find and retain the brightest and most diverse talent, and it makes our workplace all the more dynamic and inviting. 

Over the next year, we will be launching a new video campaign called “Diversity Speaks: United and Inclusive,” which will highlight each of our eight Employee Resource Groups (the Aerospace American-Indian and Alaskan-Native Council; Asian Pacific American Association; Black Caucus; Lambda Alliance; Women’s Committee; Military Veterans; Totally Adaptable Group; and Latino Members Association). These groups actively represent their constituencies at Aerospace, and their lead officers are members of the Aerospace Diversity Action Committee (ADAC). In turn, each group will share insights regarding their respective communities and communicate how they are valuable business partners of the corporation. 

Aerospace understands that celebrating diversity is not about how we are all different, it is about how we embrace our vast uniqueness—and how we stand to benefit from such a rich, beautiful tapestry of talent.

This article was featured in the Aerospace 2018 Corporate Social Responsibility Report.

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